Ebulfazl Tabatabai Eshkzeri – Velayet-i Fakih’s Syria Representative
11 Nisan 2018

Ebulfazl Tabatabai Eshkzeri was born in Iran’s Babolser city in the province of Mazenderan. His theological study began next to Ayatollah Bakuyi in the city of Feridunkar in Mazenderan. He became a revered muslim scholar of the tradition of Kum after he started to study with Ayatollah Mekarim Shirazi and Ayatollah Vahid Horasani after reaching the age of 20 in the city of Kum.

Eshkzeri has been a member of the “Hazreti Veliyyi Asr (Mehdi) Research Center” and the “Horasan Razavi Shia and Sunni Joint Knowledge Delegation”. He has also attended a year of learning Arabic in Syria. Eshkzeri was a Friday prayer imam in the city of Feriman in the province of Horasan Razavi between the years of 2004 and 2016. After meeting the Revolutionary Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in May 2016 in Iran, he was appointed as the Velayeti Fakih’s Syria representative. Iran’s Revolutionary Guide has representation offices in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Before Eshkzeri, Mujteba Huseyni was the representative for Iraq and Syria.

Eshkzeri has visited together with immigrant families villages and towns, schools and prayer houses near the city of Homs. These immigrant families hailed from the Shia towns of Fua and Kafraya. Eshkzeri visited these together with delegations from the Hazreti Rukiyye university in Homs and the Nebiyy-Ekrem scholars delegation after settling in Syria. During this visit, a delegation of Kum’s Camiatu’l Mustafa el Alemiye University, including its Syria coordinator was present, they visited the Huseyniyes.

Ebulfazl Tabatabai Eshkzeri also visited Iran-backed militia groups to motivate them in Syria. When Qasım Suleimani was in Abu Kamal in eastern Syria in 2017, he visited the Shia militias on the frontlines and offered them the greetings of Zeynep and Rukiyye. Eshkzeri’s last visit to raise morale was to Iranian militias to the frontlines in northern Hama on the 5th of April 2018.

Eshkzeri led the funeral prayers of some fallen militias near the Zeynep shrine to the south of Damascus. The fallen Afghan fighters of the Fatimiyyun brigade in particular and other Shia militas are often visited by Eshkzeri during the mourning ceremonies where he holds talks with these militias also.