Necdet Özçelik

Necdet Özçelik finished his Master’s degree in International Relations at Atılım University and is currently doing academic and field research on terrorism and insurrections. Özçelik retired in 2014 from the Turkish Armed Forces after being employed at the Special Forces Command for many years. Özçelik has not only finished special training as a member of the Turkish Special Forces but has also finished training under the US Special Forces and the NATO Long Range Scouting School. Besides his experience in counter-insurgency in Turkey as a member of the Turkish Special Forces, Özçelik has been active in low-intensity battlefields in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan where he has provided operational support and education as well as advisory support in situations where there are activities of non-state armed actors. Özçelik is currently a researcher at SETA focused on security and defense. His expertise lies in terrorism, counter-terrorism, insurgency and counter-insurgency and non-state armed actors.